Suite 1, Level 5, 141 Queen Street, Brisbane CBD, 400, Australia
Level 8, Krishna Sadan (Next to Everest Hotel), New Baneshwor, Nepal
Mon _ Sat: 9.00 to 18.00

Visitor Visa (Subclass 600)

Visitor Visa (Subclass 600)

The Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) is a temporary visa for tourists, business visitors or to visitors looking to visit family for 3, 6 or 12 months. This visa allows you to temporarily stay in Australia for tourist, visit or other business purposes and the activities that you are allowed to do is dependent upon what stream you apply for. There are six streams via which you can apply for a Visitor Visa under Subclass 600. The streams are namely the Tourist Stream (Apply from Australia), Tourist Stream (Apply outside Australia), Sponsored Family Stream, Business Visitor Stream, Approved Destination Status Stream, and Frequent Traveler Stream.

Tourist Stream (Apply from Australia)

The Tourist Stream (Apply from Australia) under the Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) lets you visit Australia as a tourist, to see family and friends or for purposes other than business or medical treatment. You must be an onshore applicant and are not allowed to engage in any kind of working practice while you are in Australia under this particular visa. 

Eligibility criteria for a 600 visa under the Tourist Stream (Apply from Australia)

  1. You must be a genuine visitor which means you have the intention to visit Australia temporarily and only do the things that the visa allows you to do.
  2. You must meet the necessary health requirements.
  3. You must meet the necessary character requirements.
  4. You must have sufficient funds to cover the costs of your trip.
  5. You must demonstrate that it is in the best interests of a child if you are under 18.

Privileges linked with a 600 visa under the Tourist Stream (Apply from Australia)

  • You can stay in Australia for up to 12 months.
  • You can visit family and friends.
  • You can be here as a tourist, for a cruise, or for any purpose except business reasons or medical treatment.
  • You can study or train for up to 3 months in total on this visa.

But if your main reason for travelling to Australia is study, a student visa might be more appropriate.

  • You are not allowed to work.
  • You will need a visa if you enter Australia during a cruise. If your cruise is a round trip cruise, the time you spend on the cruise counts as time spent in Australia – that is, we do not consider you have left Australia. A round trip cruise will not reset your stay period on your visa.

Tourist Stream (Apply outside Australia)

The Tourist Stream (Apply outside Australia) under the Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) lets you visit Australia as a tourist, to see family and friends or for purposes other than business or medical treatment. You must be an offshore applicant and are not allowed to engage in any kind of working practice while you are in Australia under this particular visa.

Eligibility criteria for a 600 visa under the Tourist Stream (Apply outside Australia)

  1. You must be a genuine visitor which means you have the intention to visit Australia temporarily and only do the things that the visa allows you to do.
  2. You must meet the necessary health requirements and have adequate health insurance.
  3. You must meet the necessary character requirements.
  4. You must have sufficient funds to cover the costs of your trip.
  5. You must demonstrate that it is in the best interests of a child if you are under 18.

Privileges linked with a 600 visa under the Tourist Stream (Apply outside Australia)

  • You can stay in Australia for up to 12 months.
  • You can visit family and friends.
  • You can be here as a tourist, for a cruise, or for any purpose except business reasons or medical treatment.
  • You can study or train for up to 3 months in total on this visa.

But if your main reason for travelling to Australia is study, a student visa might be more appropriate.

  • You are not allowed to work.
  • You will need a visa if you enter Australia during a cruise. If your cruise is a round trip cruise, the time you spend on the cruise counts as time spent in Australia – that is, we do not consider you have left Australia. A round trip cruise will not reset your stay period on your visa.

Sponsored Family Stream

The Sponsored Family Stream under the Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) lets people who are sponsored, usually by a family member, come to Australia to visit their family members. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​In order to be eligible for this visa, you must be sponsored by an eligible family member who is an Australian citizen or permanent resident. We might ask your sponsor to pay a security bond for the purpose of this visa type. You must be an offshore applicant and need to be outside Australia when you apply and when we decide your visa outcome.

Eligibility criteria for a 600 visa under the Sponsored Family Stream

  1. You must have a sponsor. Your sponsor can be either:
  • A family member in Australia
  • An Australian government official

If a family member wants to support you without becoming a sponsor, you can apply for a Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) under the Tourist Stream.

  1. You must be a genuine visitor which means you have the intention to visit Australia temporarily and only do the things that the visa allows you to do.
  2. You must meet the necessary health requirements.
  3. You must meet the necessary character requirements.
  4. You must have sufficient funds to cover the costs of your trip.
  5. You must demonstrate that it is in the best interests of a child if you are under 18.

Privileges linked with a 600 visa under the Sponsored Family Stream

  • You can stay in Australia for up to 12 months.
  • You can visit family and friends.
  • You can be here as a tourist, for a cruise, or for any purpose except business reasons or medical treatment.
  • You can study or train for up to 3 months in total on this visa.

But if your main reason for travelling to Australia is study, a student visa might be more appropriate.

  • You are not allowed to work.
  • You will need a visa if you enter Australia during a cruise. If your cruise is a round trip cruise, the time you spend on the cruise counts as time spent in Australia – that is, we do not consider you have left Australia. A round trip cruise will not reset your stay period on your visa.

Business Visitor Stream

The Business Visitor Stream under the Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) lets individuals visit Australia for business purposes. This visa lets you make a short visit for business reasons but you can’t work or sell goods or services here. The stay period is up to 3 months and you are allowed to enter Australia once or many times while the visa is valid. You must be an offshore applicant and are required to be outside Australia when you apply and when we decide your visa outcome.

Eligibility criteria for a 600 visa under the Business Visitor Stream

  1. You must be a genuine visitor which means you have the intention to visit Australia temporarily and only do the things that the visa allows you to do.
  2. You must perform business activities. As a business visitor, you can:
  • make general business or employment enquiries.
  • investigate, negotiate, enter into or review a business contract.
  • conduct activities as part of an official government visit.
  • take part in a conference, trade fair or seminar for which you can’t be paid.

You can’t:

  • work for or provide services to a business or organization based in Australia.
  • sell goods or services directly to the public.
  1. You must meet the necessary health requirements.
  2. You must meet the necessary character requirements.
  3. You must have sufficient funds to cover the costs of your trip.
  4. You must demonstrate that it is in the best interests of a child if you are under 18.
  5. You must have no outstanding debts to the Australian government.

Privileges linked with a 600 visa under the Business Visitor Stream

  • You can perform business activities. You can:
  • make general business or employment enquiries.
  • investigate, negotiate, enter into or review a business contract.
  • conduct activities as part of an official government visit.
  • take part in a conference, trade fair or seminar for which you can’t be paid.

You can’t:

  • work for or provide services to a business or organization based in Australia.
  • sell goods or services directly to the public.

If you want to do short-term work in Australia that isn’t a business visitor activity, consider applying for a temporary work visa.

  • For APEC Business Travel Card holders:
  • You might not need to apply for a visa to travel to Australia if you hold an Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Business Travel Card abbreviated as ABTC. We consider you to have applied for a Visitor visa when you applied for the ABTC.
  • ABTC holders (other than New Zealanders) might be granted a Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) under the Business Visitor Stream visa to visit Australia. If you hold an ABTC with ‘AUS’ printed on the back, you can enter Australia for short-stay for business or tourism activities for as long as the ABTC is valid. The ABTC is valid for 5 years from the date we issue it.
  • If you apply for and are granted a separate visa, the visa associated with your ABTC will cease.

Approved Destination Status Stream

The Approved Destination Status Stream under the Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) lets citizens of People’s Republic of China (excluding SARs) visit Australia on a tour organized by an approved travel agent. The department will consider the length of your tour when we determine your stay period. The visitors must stay with the organized tour group for the trip period.

Eligibility criteria for a 600 visa under the Approved Destination Status Stream

  1. You must be a genuine visitor which means you have the intention to visit Australia temporarily and only do the things that the visa allows you to do.
  2. You must meet the necessary health requirements.
  3. You must meet the necessary character requirements.
  4. You must have sufficient funds to cover the costs of your trip.
  5. You must have no outstanding debts to the Australian government.
  6. It must be in the best interests of a child under 18.

Privileges linked with a 600 visa under the Approved Destination Status Stream

  • You can enter Australia with your approved tour group.
  • You can participate in activities that are part of your tour.
  • You can stay in Australia with your tour group until the term of your visa grant.

Frequent Traveler Stream

The Frequent Traveler Stream under the Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) is for the citizens of the People’s Republic of China who travel often to Australia for business or personal reasons. The visa can be granted for up to 10 years and you are allowed to stay for up to 3 months each time you enter and for up to 12 months in any 2 year period. To be eligible for this visa, you must hold a passport from the People’s Republic of China (SARs excluded) and you must provide biometrics within the People’s Republic of China before you apply.

Eligibility criteria for a 600 visa under the Frequent Traveler Stream

  1. You must be a genuine visitor which means you have the intention to visit Australia temporarily and only do the things that the visa allows you to do.
  2. You must meet the necessary health requirements.
  3. You must meet the necessary character requirements.
  4. You must have sufficient funds to cover the costs of your trip.
  5. You must have no outstanding debts to the Australian government.
  6. It must be in the best interests of a child under 18.

Privileges linked with a 600 visa under the Frequent Traveler Stream

  • You can visit family or friends.
  • You are here as a tourist, for a cruise or a holiday.
  • You can undertake business visitor activities.

Processing time and cost for the 600 visa

Average processing time

The time period for eligible applications to be processed varies under each stream and although a guaranteed processing time cannot be determined, an average standard time taken to process these applications can be determined. The relevant fees are payable on the lodgment of your visa application depending upon the stream that you are choosing. The average processing period for all streams under the Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) are mentioned hereunder:

  • Tourist Stream (Apply from Australia): 90% in 22 days
  • Tourist Stream (Apply outside Australia): 90% in 22 days
  • Sponsored Family Stream: 90% in 30 days
  • Business Visitor Stream: 90% in 40 days
  • Approved Destination Status Stream: 90% in 4 days
  • Frequent Traveler Stream: 90% in 15 days

The time to successfully process an application may vary depending on each case. External agencies and governmental bodies may take some time to conduct checks and verify the data presented in your application. To avoid any delays that may arise from your side, you must ensure that a complete and fully-checked application is filed on your behalf and any additional requests by the department must be handled promptly.

Average estimated cost

The fees associated with applying for the 600 Visa are prescribed by the Department of Home Affairs and are updated from time to time which can be easily checked in the department’s online portal as well. The relevant fees are payable on the lodgment of your visa application depending upon the pathway that you are choosing. The primary application fee of an individual applying for the Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) via different streams is mentioned below:

  • Tourist Stream (Apply from Australia): AU$ 475  
  • Tourist Stream (Apply outside Australia): AU$ 190
  • Sponsored Family Stream: AU$ 190 (Sponsor might have to pay extra security bond)
  • Business Visitor Stream: AU$ 190
  • Approved Destination Status Stream: AU$ 190
  • Frequent Traveler Stream: AU$ 1,395

However, these fees are only a general primary fee quoted by the department as of now and changes in the amount are made as per requirement by the department itself. Additional fees are applicable for individuals who are looking to include their spouse or children in their application. The amount of additional fees varies according to the age and relationship of the included individual with the applicant. This is also constantly being updated by the Department of Home Affairs and can easily be checked from their online portal as well.

Steps to apply for the Visitor Visa (Subclass 600)  

We have a very straightforward and principled process of visa appeal which ensures you the best results. Our agents and lawyers are always with you throughout the process of your application and they will make sure that your personal application is up-to-date with all the constantly changing policies and figures. You can go through these steps in order to apply for your desired visa type:

  1. Schedule a free consultation with our team through our portal where we shall go over your case briefly to provide you with the necessary recommendations.
  2. After your consultation, our agents shall begin the process of preparing for your appeal. We will gather and prepare all of the documentation and perform any additional checks that are necessary to lodge a visa application.
  3. We will proceed towards preparing an attractive application for your case once all documentation is checked and verified.
  4. The application will be lodged on your behalf in a timely manner.
  5. We will then notify you of the result promptly when received.

FAQs regarding the 600 visa

No, each family member will have to have their own application, including children under the age of 18 who are included on your passport.

You must abide by Australian laws, the conditions listed on your visa, not engage in short-term or long-term employment or study in Australia (certain exceptions apply).

A visitor visa’s validity differs according to the stream of visa appeal. With this visa you can generally stay in Australia for up to 3, 6, or 12 months.